Country program independant evaluation

Project Title
Country program independant evaluation
Exécution period
March 2017 – November 2017


The Independent Evaluation Office (IBE) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) conducts evaluations called “independent country program evaluations” to identify and highlight evidence of UNDP’s contribution to development results at the national level. TOGO was chosen as the country to be evaluated in 2017. UNDP therefore joined forces with DSI to carry out this evaluation.

The main objectives of this evaluation were to independently assess the UNDP office in Togo and its contribution toward the implementation of the country development program.

DSI services provided

  • Assess the UNDP country program
  • Contribute the development of the new UNDP country program;
  • Assess UNDP accountability to national stakeholders


  • Analysis the impact of the governance sector
  • Report on the achievement of governance effects.


  • Categories: 2017, TOGO